September 3, 2015

Follow Progress For Westhampton Beach

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

The weather still says its summer, the calendar says school has begun, the equinox1)September 23, 2015 at 4:22 a.m. is still a few weeks away, but summer 2015 is pretty much done with only a belated Labor Day weekend left before the completion of the exodus that has already begun.

The September Board of Trustees’ meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. and the Mayor started off the agenda with the swearing in of two new police officers to join our force.  The Chief reported that it has been seven years since there were any new hires in the department.   Congratulations to Marc DeMartino and Christopher Kelly who each were present and took the oath of office.

The Mayor then proceeded to open a public hearing on a proposed local law to allow for sidewalk displays by merchants who can apply to the Board of Trustees in much the same fashion as permits for outdoor music and dining are currently handled.  It is a good effort to find the balance between the interests of individual merchants trying to run successful businesses and keeping sidewalks clear and the business districts visually appealing.  Ralph Urban proposed one amendment to the law under consideration and that was to place a minimum fine for a violation of the law at $250, this was seconded and adopted by the Board.

The Board attended to the other business on the agenda and then the Mayor requested Brian Sokoloff,  the attorney representing the village in the “eruv” litigation, to give the community a status report. Mr. Sokoloff gave a complete overview beginning with the genesis in 2008 to date.  For those interested, it was informative and the video, when it become available will be posted:  here  (as well as on the village website).

The public comment period was largely consumed by Jack O’Dwyer and his remarks that were a reprise of his last visitation to the Trustees on the topic of the eruv.  Pamela Scheiffer was present and provided a most elegant intervention to bring the public comment period to a close.

More about tonight’s meeting later.

References   [ + ]

1. September 23, 2015 at 4:22 a.m.

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