A New Chief of Police

The process of selecting the next Chief of Police is in the beginning stages.

The retired Chief of Police and Mayor have suggested a successor to Chief Dean.  Their respective opinions will be part of the consideration in hiring our next Chief of Police.  At the same time, we have a duty to insure that the process is complete and all eligible candidates are considered.

Any person who is chosen to serve as the next Chief of Police deserves to have been selected after thorough consideration of his (or her) qualifications as measured against every other qualified candidate interested in the position.

It is only after there has been a complete evaluation of the available candidates that we can make the best determination and ensure that the next Chief will enjoy broad community support and will have the respect of the officers in the department.

Hiring the best Chief of Police is essential to having the quality police force our village residents deserve.  That is our goal.

A New Police Chief, Part II