All posts by Progress For WHB

A Passing Thought, Not to Be Repeated…

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

Mayor Maria Moore is soon to begin her second term as mayor for our village.   Some will point to the new park on the corner of Library and Main where there had been an overgrown and boarded up lot for decades; or Glover’s Park that is nearing completion after 10 years as a vacant lot; or the Paddleboard and Kayak concession at the marina; or Monday night movies on the Great Lawn; or the undertaking of infrastructure projects for Main Street and the Marina while securing funding, and continuing the hunt for all available financial support to bring to our community.

You may have noticed, however, that Maria does not take personal credit for these successes and improvements, but  gives proper due to the men and women in village hall, the team of DPW workers who never say “never” and those people in our community who are happy to pitch-in to help.

Maria brings a Je Ne Sais Quoi that is undeniable, it includes a rare talent for seeing the best in each of us, no matter how much we might challenge her to find it.poison

In what she will observe as a grievous departure from her example, this post will continue.  This is because we do not all possess her rare talent.    There are certain bully scribblers who make more than transient personal attacks against others in our community.

Those who are directly the subject of such an attack are possessed of the truth and may be able to dismiss it.

The real danger that persists is not to the  individual targets, but rather the target audience — the votaries of vindictiveness who unwittingly imbibe what is nothing less than strychnine for the soul.  Such postings should come with a label, and we would all do well to avoid them for our own well-being.

Election Night 2016 Report

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

No surprises at the top of the ballot, Mayor Maria Moore was re-elected in an uncontested race having received a vote tally of 132 from a quiescent electorate.1)voter turnout this year was at 15%.  In the previous contested mayoral election 33% of registered voters cast their votes.

In the contested Trustee race the incumbent Ralph Urban finished on top with 132 votes, followed by challenger Stephen Frano with 126 votes, and Charlie Palmer trailed with 98 votes.   It was reported that 209 ballots were cast indicating this was the year of the bullet vote on the trustee line.

Sundry write-in ballots were cast for Clint Greenbaum, Toni-Jo Birk, Conrad Teller, and Pat DiBenedetto.

Thank you is owed to Charlie Palmer for four years of service on the board, and congratulations to Stephen Frano.

References   [ + ]

1. voter turnout this year was at 15%.  In the previous contested mayoral election 33% of registered voters cast their votes.

Election Day — Today

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

In so many elections it seems to be the choice of the lesser of the evils.  We are fortunate that is not the case in our village.  Since the nominating petitions were filed in May you have had the opportunity to personally meet the candidates as they campaigned for your vote.

It is in these face-to-face doorstep interviews where you have had the opportunity to ask those questions that are important to you and to gauge the answers.   For the incumbents:  Mayor Maria Moore, and Trustees  Charlie Palmer and Ralph Urban, you also have their record of achievement to consider.


Our New Mayor
Your Mayor