Dog Days…

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

The Dog Days of summer have arrived with weather prognostications daily reporting the threat of scattered thunderstorms.  The storms seem to be scattered somewhere else.

That is good for Monday Night Movies on the Great Lawn which are now a regular draw.  Last night the movie was Ghostbusters with Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver in the comedic hunt for the paranormal.

With sunset at 8:17 p.m. and the grass on the Great Lawn as dry as a Fuller Brush, village residents and friends settled into lawn chairs for the fifth straight Monday Night Movie.  Some came with Tonino’s Pizza for a late supper, others headed down Main Street for dessert after the movie.  Next week, weather permitting, the movie will be Raiders of the Lost Ark.

As for today, we will be looking for the “stray” thunderstorm.

Westher 7-28-15

Better odds are to find an ocean breeze to keep cool.

House Special

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

Saturday the Westhampton Beach Historical Society held an open house to celebrate the grand opening of the Foster – Meeker House. For some nice pictures of the progress made during the past few years see History of the Foster-Meeker House.  A big word of thanks goes to Larry Jones our resident expert in historical restoration. Larry and his wife Maureen, with their nephew Evan, live in the old Howell Homestead1)correction from Howell House, thank you to another polite reader.on the corner of Aspatuck and Main Street, another old home brought back to life to keep the interesting history of our village alive.

The house special served up today was the jazz guitar music of Mike Gari and Bill Wurtzel.

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There is a lot of resident talent in this village.  It is nice to see (and hear) it on display.

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1. correction from Howell House, thank you to another polite reader.