Category Archives: Truth

Thank You Bob Busking, Jr.

Follow Progress For Westhampton Beach

By:  Progress for Westhampton Beach

There is a time for thoughtful comment.  Robert Busking, Jr. seized this moment  and authored a Viewpoint for this week’s Southampton Press published at page A11.

Mr. Busking and Mayor Moore both urge residents to work their way through the question of sewers for Main Street. The Mayor has not opted for old style politics where plans are hatched in backrooms.  This is public business that will take time, and everyone should be heard.  The issue should be decided only after all of the facts have been presented and all of the costs and funding identified.  The cost of doing nothing is no longer hidden, it is self-evident.  Progress for Westhampton Beach encourages every person with a stake in the future of Westhampton Beach to be fully engaged in this ongoing process and to evaluate all  information as it becomes available.  Thank you Mr. Busking for taking the time to write a well considered Viewpoint for the Press.

Teddy Said it Best…

By: Progress For Westhampton Beach

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”  Theodore Roosevelt



Thank you to everyone who has the courage to step into the arena.  Happy New Year to all!

A New Chief of Police, Part 2 +Addendum

By:  Progress for WHB

This week the Southampton Press has attempted to create news rather than report the news.  The Trustees and the Mayor are in the process of considering the appropriate successor to our Last Chief of Police.  That is an ongoing process, and it is worth the time and effort to get it right.  The decision will affect every officer in the department directly.  It is a serious matter that remains under review.  The Mayor has already said this to the Press.

Today, the Southampton Press reported that the Future Of Westhampton Beach Police Department Uncertain As Consolidation Talks Swirl – 27east.  The publication of this headline was a grievous disservice to the members of the Westhampton Beach Police Department and their families.  Consolidation would most assuredly put the jobs of police personnel at risk.  What family needs to carry the burden of such a concern?  The headline would also be cause for concern for residents who could lose a community police department.

The Press went on to report that Southampton Town officials, “appear” eager to discuss a “possible” consolidation.  Notably not a single official from Westhampton Beach told the Press that consolidation with the Southampton Town PD was being considered.

The Press printed this headline even after Mayor Moore expressly told the Press she had never had any such talks at all!   In the face of this express statement of fact, and its own report that the Press  was unable to reach Supervisor Throne-Holst to get “clarification” of a cryptic remark the Press  itself had attributed to the Town Supervisor, the Press manufactured its own news.


The Village Board has an obligation to both its residents and its employees in the police department and that is:  to provide the best police protection at a fair price.  We should never again have to pay a severance package like that paid to the Last Chief.  The Trustees must consider all options to meet the objectives of our village residents, and when that is done it will be news the Press can truthfully report.


Today, the Southampton Press did not publish its story in the eastern print edition.  Apparently the Press realized that its story on 27east, that the Village of Westhampton Beach would pay “$2.28 million” to the Southampton Town Police District for police protection, was more story than news.

A New Chief of Police, Part III