Category Archives: work session

February 12, 2015

By:  Progress For Westhampton Beach

In enacting the Open Meetings Law, the New York Legislature sought to ensure that public business be performed in an open and public manner and that the citizens of this state be fully aware of and able to observe the performance of public officials and attend and listen to the deliberations and decisions that go into the making of public policy. N.Y. Pub. Off. Law § 100.     New York Court of Appeals, 2005

The village trustees held a public meeting on February 12th at 5:00pm that was a work session. The Southampton Press had mistakenly reported in its print version that the trustees would field suggestions, and although the Press made a correction in its online version, the Mayor reiterated at the start of the meeting that this was a work session, and as with all other work sessions, there had been no time designated for public comment.

Mayor Moore immediately proceeded to the purpose of the meeting, to determine where the Board of Trustees stood on the adoption of the local law to create the position of Police Commissioner…

Continue reading February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015, purpose of the meeting.

By:  Maria Moore, Mayor

The meeting for this evening is a work session,1)there are no public comment periods, and ordinarily no board action is taken.  It is an open meeting where all are welcome to attend and observe.

The Board  will also consider potential alternative courses of action for our police department.  The Board expects to have an executive session after the work session to consider the qualifications of specific candidates previously interviewed who may have a role within the administration of the police department.2)I posted my original thoughts on this special work session here.  Insofar as that portion of the meeting will discuss individual applicants, that will appropriately be done in private in an Executive Session.

Correction anticipated,  the Press reported3)this excerpt taken from 27east story, as updated on Feb 11, 2015 1:35 PM, which is the same as reported in the print edition:

Executive Session Mis-reported in PressUnder the crunch of newspaper deadlines, sometimes small errors are made.  I spoke with Southampton Press reporter Kyle Campbell this morning, and he is checking with his editor about making a correction to his original story.

 Maria Moore, Mayor

References   [ + ]

1. there are no public comment periods, and ordinarily no board action is taken.
2. I posted my original thoughts on this special work session here.
3. this excerpt taken from 27east story, as updated on Feb 11, 2015 1:35 PM, which is the same as reported in the print edition

January 21, 2015

The January Work Session was called to order at 7:01 p.m.  The first matter up for consideration was an application for the use of village property 1)the municipal parking lot used by the Chamber of Commerce for the farmer’s market by Food Truck vendors that was first advanced at the October Work Session with some proceeds being donated to the Moriches Bay Project.  The applicants decided to make a return visit to the board in a final pitch for approval and had modified their request to food carts, but still requested to hold the event in the middle of the summer season.

Mayor Moore suggested that such an event should be scheduled in May or September rather than the height of the summer season.

This seems entirely reasonable insofar as local restaurants pay property taxes year-round and should not have to contend with vendors that would not be paying property taxes and  would have none of the costs associated with the maintenance of a permanent establishment.   The applicant did not take the rebuff easily, but with patience was politely sent to secure support from local merchants if she is to have any hope of using  the property during June, July or August.  If the event is truly an attraction that will bring customers for other local businesses it should be put to that purpose before Memorial Day or after Tumbleweed Tuesday.

Skating Rink at the Great Lawn

The Mayor thanked the DPW for setting up the skating rink and providing picnic tables, a light for evening skating, and a few trees with holiday lights as an additional measure.  It isn’t just the Mayor who appreciated their efforts, the rink has been in full use with only a brief break when weather was a little too warm.


It was reported that there are still a few people disposing of their household garbage in public trash receptacles.  The fine under our local law for this “Littering in public places” is $250.  Buy the green bags, they’re cheaper.2)medium sized green trash bags for garbage disposal cost $1.50 each sold in packs of five at: the 7-11 stores on Mill Road and Sunset Avenue; the True Value Hardware; and at Waldbaums from the customer service desk.


 Glover’s Park


Marcus Stinchi put in a lot of effort preparing several renditions for Glover’s Park.  After preliminary talks with Mayor Moore, he proposed a broad central walk from Glovers Lane to a tiered fountain surrounded by a walk with plenty of seating.  Behind the fountain (to the west) could be an area for Pétanqueor other appropriate diversions.  This is exactly what the Master Plan envisions.  Under NY State Village Law, the Planning Board can impose a park fee on real estate developments that do not provide on site park space.  Our Planning Board has done this for years and the reserved fund has grown substantially.  Legally this fund can only be used for parks like this one that is now moving forward.  Thanks to Marcus for his contribution.  Now we should put him to work to finish the job, he has a good eye for detail.

In the Details

Ron Hill from Dunn Engineering then continued for the lion’s share of the meeting.  He began with a review the bids for the demolition of the burned out structure at 9 Griffing Avenue.  The lowest responsible bidder also happens to be the bidder with the most experience in asbestos abatement, and also the only bidder who actually came to inspect the premises to prepare its bid.   The costs of demolition will be added to the tax bill and become a lien on the property.

Mr. Hill proceeded to discuss bids received for the fabrication and installation of a fuel tank for municipal vehicles and the Board discussed looking into an inter-municipal agreement with the village of Quogue.  Mr. Hill advised that he had read a news report that Lake Grove secured a grant for such an installation because it was to serve several municipalities.

Engineering considerations were discussed for the decaying bulk heading at the village marina as well as needed repairs for the decking at Rogers Beach.

Where Good Ideas Begin and Bad Ones Die

The Board of Trustees finished the meeting with spitballing ideas for improvements for food concession services at Rogers Beach and adjourned at 9:21 p.m.

References   [ + ]

1. the municipal parking lot used by the Chamber of Commerce for the farmer’s market
2. medium sized green trash bags for garbage disposal cost $1.50 each sold in packs of five at: the 7-11 stores on Mill Road and Sunset Avenue; the True Value Hardware; and at Waldbaums from the customer service desk.